fun  ,      fun  ,      fun. . .


& ABOUT THE BLOG. This is a blog of sci-fi muses! Many are Star Trek based, but all are crossover compatible with other fandoms. I'm very low activity, at the moment.& OOC. Howdy – I’m Eros, they/them, I’m 25, and I’m from NYC. I work in theatre, which means my schedule can be busy & erratic. That being said, I love RP and I do tend to prioritize it after my real life obligations are satisfied, so you will see me around.& PASSWORDS. I don’t send in passwords, but I promise I’ve read your rules before following.& SELECTIVITY. I am selective and mutuals only. Please allow a week for me to check out your blog. Don’t message me asking to rp/plot if we are not mutuals. It puts me in a position where I feel pressured into agreeing. If I follow you, it means I want to interact! I won’t follow/interact if: you don’t have an about and/or rules page, you write “genderbent” characters, you don’t cut your posts, or you are a very cluttered multimuse. I also am very wary of fankids and likely won’t write with them without lots of prior discussion/plotting.& DUPLICATES. Most of my muses are not very popular so I don't anticipate encountering a lot of duplicates — that being said, I will not write with any other portrayal of Quark, Nog, or Pel. My other canons may have exceptions to this, but overall, I tend to have duplicate anxiety and will be very picky.

& EXCLUSIVITY AND MAINS. I generally have mains, but they're not a public thing. It's just a way of me to assess who I'm closest with, writing-wise. My exclusives (also listed in my pinned) are constablegoo's Odo, vortacloned's Weyoun, and kardasior's Damar.& SHIPPING. My muses and I are 21+. Shipping is cool with chemistry. I’m mutiship, and every ship happens in its own verse. Mature content will occur, but rarely anything sexual.& CROSSOVERS. I love crossovers! However, if I’m unfamiliar with your fandom I may not follow back. If you follow me first, I’ll probably wait for you to initiate ideas/interaction.& FORMATTING. I always use small text, with some stylized formatting and prose, but minimally. I also use icons when I have them, unless you don’t. Don’t feel pressured to do the same, though! Please cut your posts & continue asks in threads.& TRIGGERS. I personally have no triggers. Sensitive content that may appear on this blog: violence, death, emotional trauma. Please let me know if you need anything specific tagged.& COMMUNICATION. I love talking to people OOC, but sometimes I'm bad at keeping up conversation. If we’re chatting through IMs or discord and I don’t reply, please don’t take it personally. I’m happy to give my discord to mutuals, and I’m always up for chatting!


(stars of the show. even when not very active, they are always open for all interactions.)

  • Arnold J. Rimmer || Red Dwarf / canon || Rimmer worked as a 2nd technician on the mining ship Red Dwarf. His dream was to become a Space Corps officer, but he could never pass his exams. He accidentally caused a radiation leak and the entire crew perished. 3 million years later, Rimmer was revived as a hologram and travels with a small crew.

  • Dave Lister || Red Dwarf / canon || Lister was a 3rd technician on the mining ship Red Dwarf. Lister was placed in stasis as punishment for smuggling a cat on board. Three million years after a radiation leak killed the entire crew except him, Lister is the last human alive. He now travels through deep space with his 3 companions.

  • Quark || Star Trek / canon / DS9 || Quark, a proud Ferengi citizen, owns and runs a bar on Deep Space Nine. He cares deeply for Ferengi traditions and values, is profit-driven, and has a mind for business and economics. He's usually conducting some sort of illegal sales, but somehow, he always manages to get away with it.

  • Hugh || Star Trek / canon / TNG/Picard || A former Borg drone, Hugh encountered the Enterprise and began to discover his individuality. He was reclaimed (the process of undoing the damage of assimilation) and began a fight for the liberation and freedom of all former Borg. He formed the Reclamation Project along with the other 'progenitor' xBs and serves as its executive director.

(high muse, open to all interaction)

  • Nog || Star Trek / canon / DS9 || As a child, Nog was brash, rebellious, underachieving, and a known troublemaker on DS9. Growing up around Quark and Rom (his uncle and father), he was always expected to go into the family business. However, as he grew up and matured, he decided to join Starfleet, resulting in a long and successful career.

  • Pel || Star Trek / canon / DS9 || Pel is a Ferengi who has been disguising themself as a man in order to do business and live a life outside their society's rigid laws. They get a post as a waiter at Quark's, quickly becoming one of his close friends and confidants. But when their true identity is discovered, they're forced to strike out on their own to build a new life for themself.

(lower muse, open to plotted interactions, memes, etc)

  • Sivath Aloran Sasak “Zack” Addy || Star Trek & Bones / x-over / TOS/SNW/TNG/DS9 || Zack is a Vulcan raised on Earth by a human family after being orphaned. After initially rejecting his heritage, Zack attended the Vulcan Science Academy, immersed himself in the culture, and then attended Starfleet Academy, where he earned his doctorate in Forensic Anthropology. BONES CANON VERSE AVAILABLE.

  • Twelve of Twenty || Star Trek / oc / pre-PIC || Twelve is an xB, living at the Borg compound on Ohniaka III. She’s a holography artist with opinions and a temper, and very little interest in hiding what she used to be or conforming to how the Federation expects xBs to act in order to be worthy of simply existing.

  • Vic Fontaine || *Star Trek / canon / DS9 *|| Vic is a sentient hologram and a singer, part of a unique holosuite program set in 1962 Las Vegas. He is aware of his status as a hologram and what that means, which has allowed him to form unique relationships with the DS9 crew. He acts as a friend and mentor to many on the station, and his program runs nonstop, allowing him to live a "full" life.

  • Zhaban || Star Trek / canon / PIC || Zhaban is an ex-Tal Shiar operative who defected in order to assist Picard in the evacuation of Romulus. He and his partner Laris were also hiding their romantic relationship. They both escaped to Earth and now run the vineyard at Chateau Picard.

  • Zaphod Beeblebrox || The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy / canon || Hailing from a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse, Zaphod is the eccentric and eclectic two-headed (former) President of the Galaxy. He's now on the run in the ship that he stole, the Heart of Gold, famous for its possession of a Probability Drive which so far has given him great success in his galactic travels. *TEST MUSE

  • Giax || Star Trek / oc / TNG & DS9 || A closeted trans man, Giax was in a typical Ferengi marriage with Siraba, via a contract signed between her and Giax's father. Eventually, he and Siraba came out to each other and hatched a plan to flee Ferenginar and start new lives. After settling on DS9, Giax began to pursue his passion for fashion design, studying under Garak at his shop.

  • Siraba || Star Trek / oc / TNG & DS9 || Siraba married Giax after signing a standard Ferengi 5-year contract with his father. She realized she was trans during her marriage, and after coming out, she and Giax hatched a plan to flee Ferenginar and start new lives. After ending up on DS9, Siraba continued her work as a mineralogist and chemist on the station.

  • Beji Osa || Star Trek / oc / DS9 || The Bajoran proprietor of Qas'Kol Ovalla, a speakeasy-turned-nightclub on DS9 dating back to the occupation. Osa worked in ore processing on Terok Nor, and opened a speakeasy as a refuge for other workers. Nowadays, she's a warm and welcoming face for anyone looking for a getaway on the station.

(low muse & on reserve; open by request or with plotting)

  • Jean-Luc Picard || Star Trek / canon / TNG & PIC || A highly decorated Starfleet Captain, formerly of the USS Enterprise D and E, then an Admiral, now retired. *FRIENDS/REQUEST ONLY

  • Ishka || Star Trek / canon / DS9 || A competent and ambitious businesswoman, figurehead of the Ferengi women's rights movement, mother to Quark and Rom, and financial advisor/romantic partner to Grand Nagus Zek. *FRIENDS ONLY

  • Qelet || Star Trek / oc / pre-PIC || Qelet is a Ferengi who was assimilated by the Borg in 2386. Upon their reclamation a year later, they spent time on Ohniaka III trying to figure out what they wanted to do next, and finally entered Starfleet Academy in 2388. They're now an ensign security officer. *REQUEST ONLY

  • Reyga || Star Trek / canon / TNG || Dr. Reyga is a scientist who has spent the last few years perfecting his invention of metaphasic shielding technology. Unlike most Ferengi, he cares nothing for profit or wealth, only wishing to be respected and accepted in his field of work. *REQUEST ONLY

  • Iba || Star Trek / oc / DIS (S3+) || Iba is one of the few Ferengi still in Starfleet following Ferenginar's secession from the Federation after the Burn. She's a science officer, Lieutenant rank, posted on the USS Nog (a ship with an 80% Ferengi crew; the majority of all remaining Ferengi officers serve on the Nog). She's transferred to the USS Discovery (s4+) when the project she was leading on the Nog is halted following the location of the dilithium repository.

  • Kinayut "Scorpi" Jaskoth || Star Trek / oc / PIC || Scorpi is cadet at the Academy, the first Cardassian in Starfleet. His family has a long history with the Cardassian Union, but were disgraced after the Dominion War. He hopes that joining Starfleet will help bridge the gap between his people and the Federation.

  • Enoch ( ENH ) || Star Trek / canon / PIC || Enoch is the Emergency Navigational Hologram on La Sirena, a civilian ship captained by Cristobal Rios. Rios programmed all his holograms in his image, and when he uploaded his memories into their system, fragments of his personality transferred to the holograms as well.

  • Gray Tal || Star Trek / canon / DIS (S3+) || Gray is a Trill who was living on a generational ship with his partner Adira when he was killed in an accident. The symbiont was joined with Adira, and shortly after, Gray began appearing to them in an incorporeal form. With the help of Dr. Culber, Gray's consciousness was transferred into a synthetic body, and he now resides on Discovery. *TEST MUSE

  • Troval || Star Trek / oc / pre-PIC || Troval is a Betazoid xB residing on Ohniaka III. One of the progenitor xBs, Troval leads the Reclamation Project's medical division, having performed the first ever reclamation procedure following Cubesfall. *FRIENDS ONLY

  • Double Trouble || She-Ra / canon || Double Trouble is a shapeshifter, residing in the Crimson Waste and working as a mercenary - for - hire. Their true passion is acting, taking on “roles” as other people and they will be whoever FOR whoever is paying them the most. *INACTIVE

  • Sister Luna || Red Dwarf / canon || Luna is a cleric of the felis sapiens, bringing the teachings of Cloister to her people. She dreams of one day reaching Fuchal, the Promised Land. *INACTIVE



  • NAME - Hugh, formerly Third of Five

  • AGE - Unknown, appears to be around 50 (as of 2399)

  • SPECIES - Originally El-Aurian, formerly Borg, now “xB”.

  • PRONOUNS - he/him

  • SEXUALITY - gay

  • OCCUPATION/AFFILIATION - Previously of the Borg Collective, now has dual citizenship in the United Federation of Planets and the Liberated Borg Cooperation; serves as the Executive Director of the Reclamation Project

  • HEIGHT - 5’7”

  • SCARS/NOTABLE FEATURES - One large scar covering the left side of his face, where his Borg eyepiece used to be. Borg implants on his right cheek and around his left eye. The right eye is natural & brown, the left eye is prosthetic & blue.

  • FACECLAIM - Jonathan Del Arco

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - optimistic, compassionate, dedicated, eloquent

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - haunted


Hugh is an El-Aurian who was assimilated by the Borg as an infant. When he was 20, he encountered the Enterprise and began to discover his individuality. He was reclaimed (the process of undoing the damage of assimilation) and began a fight for the liberation and freedom of all former borg. He formed the Reclamation Project along with the other 'progenitor' xBs and serves as its executive director.As of the events of Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Episode 7 “Nepenthe”, Hugh is deceased. Obviously, I will not be taking this into consideration because fuck canon. For the sake of this blog's canon, Hugh was rescued, though the Artifact Massacre still occured.The majority of my headcanons and interpretation of Hugh draws from The Ohniaka III Project, fanlore created by my friend Hye that details the history of the xBs, the Liberated Borg Cooperation, and the Reclamation Project. Some of my headcanons are specific to my portrayal, rather than the O3P and it's companion fic, Through the Eye of a Needle, but for the most part, it's all entwined. In-depth knowledge of the O3P is not required to write with me; the important stuff is outlined here, but it's super interesting and I highly recommend perusing it.


BEFORE YOU KNOW your own name, or any semblance of existence or sentience, it's snatched away from you. Abducted from your home, from your people, and made to forget before you ever had the chance to learn. YOUR DESIGNATION is Third of Five, and you are a one of many drones in the vast Borg Collective that annexes the galaxy, assimilating new life and technology, adding individual consciousness to your own.THE YEAR IS 2368, and you are on a scout ship with four others, and you crash on a frozen, uninhabited planet on the Argolis Cluster. The others are killed on impact, and you are left for dead. YOU WAKE UP in a cell on a Starship you are unfamiliar with. You cannot hear the others. You do not know where you are, or how to go home. You are scared. GEORDI LA FORGE gives you food, and mends your broken systems. Geordi is kind. Geordi is not scared. Geordi does not wish to be assimilated. BEVERLY CRUSHER heals your injuries. Beverly is a Doctor. Beverly helps people, because it is her job.YOUR NAME IS HUGH. Geordi calls you this. It makes you feel less lonely. Geordi taught you what lonely means. You do not fully understand what it means, but you want to. THE WOMAN who is both familiar and unfamiliar tells you that she does not wish to be assimilated. She says resistance is not futile. You are both lonely. THE CURE FOR LONELINESS is friends. Geordi is a friend. Geordi taught you what that means, too. He asks you questions, and you answer, and in return he mends your eye piece. You think you are beginning to understand.YOU ARE IN A ROOM with Locutus. He tells you that the Enterprise crew will be assimilated. You tell him they do not wish it. He does not care. You tell him they will resist. He says resistance is futile. You tell him it is not. He says you will assist him. You tell him, "I will not". He does not understand. He tells you that you are Borg. "No," you tell him. "I am Hugh."CAPTAIN PICARD tells you that you may stay on the Enterprise. You know that you must not. Your presence will endanger your friends when the Collective comes for you. You must return. But you do not wish to forget Geordi. You do not wish to forget that you are Hugh. They pick you up at the crash site. Your memories and knowledge merge with theirs. Your individuality does too. It sweeps through your cube like a virus. The collective cuts you off. Falling into chaos, you crash on Ohniaka III, killing the Starfleet officers stationed at its outpost.THE YEAR IS 2369, and amidst the loss of your shared hivemind, a new leader emerges. His name is Lore, and he promises a new sense of identity. He begins to experiment on your people, reconstructing them in his image. Drones with barely-understood individuality die of their mutilations before they ever have a chance to discover who they are, like you did. You feel guilty. You know that Lore must be stopped. You flee underground with a few other dissidents. Resistance is not futile. Captain Picard, Geordi, and Deanna are taken captive by Lore and his brother. You do not want to help. You do not want to risk your own lives. But Geordi is a friend. And in the end, you make that sacrifice. Lore is deactivated, and your people are free.IN THE WAKE of Cubesfall, and the loss of yet another powerful force, you fall back into disarray. But this time is different. You know what it's like to be individuals, to have names. You are the Progenitors, and you forge your own way. You begin Reclamation, a slow but steady disconnect from your implants. You are Borg, but you are not Borg. You are both, and neither. You are an xB.THE YEAR IS 2379, and the Liberated Borg Cooperation makes first contact with the Federation in a long process of Reconstitution. You form the Reclamation Project, with an official statement of purpose — to liberate Borg all across the Alpha Quadrant — and you sign the Ohniakan Accord in San Francisco. 'This not only recognized Ohniaka III as the xB homeworld in the eyes of Federation maps, but also the “Liberated Borg Cooperation” as an individual (allied) entity, and the “Reclamation Project” as its humanitarian, space-faring extension (as Starfleet is to the United Federation of Planets).'YOU ARE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR HUGH, and you are a Reclamation Consultation Specialist, acting as counselor, confidant, and guide to newly severed xBs as they begin their journey of individuality. Under your leadership, the Project thrives. You thrive too. Your life has truly begun.THE YEAR IS 2399 and the Reclamation Project learns that the Romulans have discovered a severed Borg cube that assimilated the Romulan ship Shaenor. The Reclamation Project partners with the Romulan Free State in order to oversee their reclamation efforts. This cube, known as the Artifact, becomes a temporary base where you partner with Romulan scientists and doctors as well as Federation personnel to you began your work. Reclamation is never easy, but this process is especially difficult. The Romulans lack tolerance for your people, seeing you as lesser, as property, and as hazards. Still, you stayed determined throughout, keeping your sights on the project and not letting personal feelings toward the Romulans get in the way of your work.AFTER WHAT BECOMES KNOWN as 'The Artifact Massacre', you have a lot of work to do, and a lot of rebuilding — both of physical loss and trust in relationships. But you've been through harder trials before, and the Reclamation Project is stronger than ever, with plenty of allies across the galaxy.THE YEAR IS 2401 and there is a cube, and a Queen, who is still ravaging the galaxy. Hundreds of Starfleet officers are assimilated through a biological transfusion of nanoprobes, and in the wake of this devastating disaster, Ohniaka III sees a massive influx of visitors, as new xBs of a sort you never imagined could exist come seeking refuge and reclamation. Sometimes mental trauma leaves far deeper scars than physical.


v / i. — borg (tng verse)
Takes place while Hugh is still part of the Borg Collective. After meeting the Enterprise crew and coming to terms with his own individuality, Hugh starts to have dreams of liberating his people. This verse covers the events on the Enterprise up to and including the TNG episode Descent.
v / ii. — isolation (2369-2378 — ds9/voyager era) Follows the events of Descent; the founding of the Liberated Borg Cooperation and the first ten years leading up to and including 'Reconstitution' — 'the period marked as the first time, after 10 Ohniakan III years, the Progenitors reached out to the cosmos after their tempering within individuality, and “reconstituted” themselves both inside and out.'. This verse will only be written on Ohniaka III, as the xBs do not make contact with the Federation until 2378.v / iii. — reclamation (2379-present — pre-picard/picard/post-picard era)
The Reclamation Project continues to grow and thrive. Includes the events of Through the Eye of a Needle, as well as an amended version of the events of Picard season 1, where Hugh survives the massacre on the Artifact. He is involved and consulted as much as possible during season 3, and following those events, is even more involved in the counseling and rehabilitation of the newest xBs.
v / iv. — this guy became a social worker (modern/human au)
One day I'll write this up, but not now.


DEANNA TROI — @astraldestiny
Hugh first met Deanna on the Enterprise. They stayed in touch over the years, and she acted as a mentor to him as he began the Reclamation Project. He considers her one of his best friends.
ICHEB — @livedtough
When Voyager returned, Hugh was eager to meet the young XB who was joining Starfleet. They clicked immediately, and Hugh became almost like a father figure to him. Hugh admires Icheb greatly, and though he holds him to a high standard, he believes very strongly that Icheb has the potential to do great things, both for the XBs and in his own life. Hugh loves him like a son, and is probably his biggest champion.
TARA — @astraldestiny
Hugh met Tara in the early days of his Borg liberation activism. She was the first XB he encountered, and though it was a slow process, he became somewhat of a mentor to her, and above all, a good friend.



  • NAME - Arnold Judas Rimmer

  • AGE - 31 at his time of death, approx. 60 as of TPL.

  • SPECIES - Human (hologram)

  • PRONOUNS - he/him

  • SEXUALITY - gay

  • RANK - Technician, second class [Acting Senior Command Officer]

  • DIVISION - Maintenance

  • HEIGHT - 6’1”

  • FACECLAIM - Chris Barrie

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - diligent, motivated, honorable (only on occasion), noble (on even less occasions)

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - pompous, cowardly, under-achieving, self-loathing, dishonest


Full of ambition but always living in the shadow of his father and elder brothers, Rimmer worked as a second technician on the mining ship Red Dwarf. His dream was to become a Space Corps officer, but he could never pass the astro navigation exam. He accidentally caused a radiation leak and the entire crew perished. 3 million years later, Rimmer was revived as a hologram by the ship’s computer and now travels with a small crew.This blog more or less ignores the season VIII canon. I hate the entire arc, I have no interest in it, yada yada yada.Interactions will therefore likely default to season VI or anywhere between season X and TPL (with the exception of my Ace Rimmer arc verse, which is set during season VII and what would be season VIII.)


Rimmer is, in the simplest of terms, a smeghead. He’s arrogant, cares little for others, and hates pretty much everyone — but he hates himself more. He’s got an badly disguised inferiority complex a mile wide that manifests as a superiority complex. He’s not the smartest guy around, which he’s well aware of, despite insisting that he’s the most brilliant person in a room. He wants more than anything to be respected, to be loved — hell, simply to be liked, but he makes it nearly impossible for that to happen because he pushes everyone away. He wants to succeed, wants to prove that he’s worth something, but he lacks the ability to actually do the work. His failures are generally his own doing, but he refuses to take the blame for anything.He’s anal-retentive to a fault, likely a result of intense anxiety and the feeling of being out of control. He internalizes his problems and emotions to an extreme degree — the main example of this being his own sexuality. He’s been closeted his whole life, burying the truth under homophobia. The truth though is that he’s scared. He’s scared of himself and he’s scared of other people and he’s scared that good things will never happen to him, and he’s scared that he doesn’t deserve good things to happen to him. It takes a special person and a special situation to get him to be selfless and to care, but when he does, he’s like a whole other person. Seeing him happy, seeing him at his best is a privilege. In the simplest terms, it means he trusts you.


Rimmer was born on Io (one of Jupiter’s colonized moons) in 2149, into a family of three older half-brothers (John, Howard, and Frank) and his mother and (thought to be) father. His family was strict and rigid, the older boys all succeeding where Rimmer fell short. The pressure put on him by his father to succeed was met only with failure, which resulted in a deep inferiority complex, intense anxiety issues, and a desire for greatness that was only trumped by his unwillingness and inability to put in the work.He was bullied throughout school and faced abuse from his family his whole life. Even when attending a school that more or less coddled the students and held very low expectations, he never managed to gain the self-confidence possessed by his brothers.He ran away from home at age 14 (or as he called it, divorced his parents) and struck out on his own. He held a variety of jobs but never really amounted to anything. At age 17, he enlisted with the Jupiter Mining Corporation and was assigned to Red Dwarf as a third technician. He was with the Space Corps for 14 years but only managed to rise up one rank -- to second technician -- and was placed in charge of Z-shift. He had high aspirations of becoming an officer, maybe even one day a Captain, but constantly failed his engineering and astronavigation exams.In 2180, shortly after failing to complete an exam once again, Rimmer was asked to fix a malfunctioning drive plate. However, though his own ineptitude, it was repaired incorrectly, resulting in a radiation leak that killed the entire crew, including himself. The only survivors were his bunkmate Dave Lister (locked in a stasis booth) and Lister’s cat Frankenstein (sealed in the cargo hold). Three million years later, when the radiation levels returned to normal, Rimmer was revived as a hologram to keep Lister sane. Along with an evolved humanoid feline named Cat, and a mechanoid named Kryten, Rimmer and Lister now travel through deep space, hoping to one day return to Earth.


v / i. — early days (prior to death)
Takes place pre-series, when Rimmer is alive, miserable, and in denial about his inability to ever climb the ranks.
v / ii. — hologram (life after death)
Set during the series, defaulting to either post-season 6, season 10, or post-TPL.
v / iii. — stoke me a clipper (adventures as ace rimmer)
Set between Rimmer’s departure in season 7 and season 9/BTE. Rimmer takes up the Ace mantle and leaves his friends on Red Dwarf behind. It’s a hard and grueling life, and one that he isn’t entirely sure he enjoys, but he learns a lot about himself and what it means to be a hero.
v / iv. — call me ace (ace rimmer alt. universe)
This verse does not take into consideration the main timeline at all. After being held back a year in primary school, Rimmer is driven even harder to succeed and becomes a well-respected test pilot in the Space Corps, known as Ace. He’s a handsomer, more charming, and overall smarter and kinder version of the real Rimmer. When the Corps discovers a Time Drive, Ace volunteers to test it out. Now separated from his friends and home, he travels the multiverse doing what heroes do best: saving people and being adored.
v / v. — joined trill (star trek verse)
Rimmer is a Trill who attended the Academy and barely passed through, obtaining the rank of Ensign, where he remained for 14 years without being promoted. At some point during his career, his ship encountered a symbiont named Ace whose previous host had died in a heroic act. As Rimmer was the only available Trill within range, he was permitted to join with the Ace symbiont despite not really having the temperament for it. They make a surprisingly good pair, with some of Ace’s better qualities rubbing off on Rimmer, but he’s still far from perfect. This AU is courtesy of my pal @SherbertBomb42 on twitter


DAVE LISTER — @rulesbent
Rimmer’s best friend and worst enemy, the person he loves the most and the person he hates the most — Lister is an enigma, like a fried egg, chili, and chutney sandwich. Rimmer can’t stand to be around him, and can’t live without him. They’ve been through everything together, and they are each other’s other halves, for better or for worse.
MUTT — @guttersniper
When the boys discovered a young stowaway three million years into the future, they immediately adopted Mutt into the posse. Rimmer cares deeply for Mutt. After an initial rocky start to their relationship, they develops a close kinship. Rimmer sees Mutt as a younger version of himself in many ways, and is determined to make sure his childhood is better than his own was. Although they antagonize each other, Rimmer knows Mutt genuinely cares for him, and in return, he shows that same affection when he can.
AELLA MOORE— @empathicstars
When the boys from the Dwarf found a lone survivor of a shipwreck, they had no idea what to expect. Aella was quiet, reserved, and didn’t seem to fit in with the shenanigans the other three got up to. But Rimmer? Rimmer liked her. She was nice, she was respectful, she actually helped out around the ship and listened to him when he talked and well — he’s gay, but he might just be in love.



  • NAME - David Lister

  • AGE - 25 in season 1, approx. 55 as of TPL.

  • SPECIES - Human

  • PRONOUNS - he/him

  • SEXUALITY - bisexual

  • RANK - Technician, third class

  • DIVISION - Maintenance

  • HEIGHT - 5’6”

  • FACECLAIM - Craig Charles

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - clever, easygoing, warm-hearted, introspective

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS- slobbish, unmotivated, lacking good judgement


This blog more or less ignores the season VIII canon. I hate the entire arc, I have no interest in it, yada yada yada.Interactions will therefore likely default to season VI or anywhere between season X and TPL.As I do write both Lister and Rimmer, I will default to them being in a relationship post-TPL. Should another Rimmer pop up, I’m happy to retcon that or plot anything out! Either way, Lister’s always had a bit of a thing for Rimmer (something he realizes during season VII) but assumes the other would never be interested.


Lister is a self-proclaimed “space bum” — a title that entirely encompasses the image he tries to project of himself. He comes across as apathetic, slovenly, and altogether unmotivated… and all those things are true. He has few aspirations, no interest in rising through the ranks or bettering himself. He’s content, as he’s always been, to go through life carefree. This lends itself to an easygoing nature, kind and open. He loves people, he loves having a good time, and he loves love. Though he’s almost always well-intentioned, he’s not afraid to tell it as it is, and if someone hasn’t earned his respect, he won’t offer it. However, it doesn’t take much — he just expects back the same effort and kindness that he extends to others. Despite the fact that he comes across as somewhat idiotic, Lister is actually quite bright and clever, and he probably could’ve risen through the Space Corps ranks quickly if he wanted to. However, he lacks the interest and drive, and actively hides his more serious and studious side to preserve his image as a casual jokester.


Lister is from Liverpool, England, with an official birthday of October 14th, 2155, but due to a temporal paradox, the current timeline renders with him being born on Starbug to himself and Kristine Kochanski. He was left in a cardboard box under a pool table, and was raised in an orphanage for his early years and then by adoptive parents who passed away and then a grandmother who… also passed away.In his adolescent years, Lister got into a lot of trouble, ranging from petty shoplifting to car theft. As a teenager, he formed a band with some friends. He was the guitarist, and they weren’t very good, but it didn’t really matter, they had a good time. Lister was also sexually active from a young age, having relationships with both men and women but very few that were serious.Among Lister’s talents, he was a very skilled artist. He was accepted into art school for architecture, but dropped out soon after because he didn’t want to attend lectures or classes or really do anything except just draw. After that, he had a variety of odd jobs just to stay afloat, with no real aim or direction.
During a pub crawl around London, Lister ended up on Mimas (one of Saturn’s moons). Without the means of getting back to Earth, he spent the next month or so stealing hoppers and hiring them out as taxis to make enough money to afford the return trip. He eventually signed up with the Jupiter Mining Corporation and got a post aboard the mining ship Red Dwarf, intending for it to be an easy way to get a paid trip home. He was assigned the rank of technician, third class, and performed various maintenance tasks. During the first few months, Lister had a relationship with Kristine Kochanski, but she eventually broke up with him.
Eight months into the trip, the Captain discovered that Lister had smuggled a pregnant cat on board. He was imprisoned in a stasis booth as punishment for refusing to hand Frankenstein over. His confinement in suspended animation was supposed to last 18 months, but shortly after entering stasis, there was an accident in the drive room which resulted in a lethal radiation leak that killed the entire crew. Lister was left alive, safely locked away, as was his cat who was sealed in the cargo hold.Three million years later, when the radiation had finally dropped to a safe level, he was released from stasis by Holly, the ship’s computer. Upon learning that he was not only the only survivor but the last human alive at all, Lister planned to go back to Earth anyway. However, knowing that he would likely lose his mind if he was left alone, Holly revived Lister’s bunkmate Rimmer as a hologram to keep him sane.Lister and Rimmer found out shortly after that Frankenstein’s kittens had bred and multiplied, and over the 3 million elapsed years, evolved into a humanoid feline species -- Felis Sapien. Most of the cats departed Red Dwarf years before, leaving only the weakest behind, which now included only one survivor, who they simply called Cat. Lister learned that in the mythology the cats developed, he was regarded as their god (though incorrectly identified as Cloister rather than Lister), who was supposed to lead them to the Promised Land (once again incorrectly identified as Fuchal rather than Fiji).The companions picked up a service mechanoid named Kryten from the crash site of the Nova 5. Kryten became part of the crew, quickly striking up a close friendship with Lister, who actively worked toward helping Kryten break through and transcend his programming.The four of them now travel through deep space with the hope of one day returning to Earth.


v / i. — space bum (before going into stasis)
Takes place pre-series, anywhere from before Lister joined the Space Corps, up through the day he goes into stasis.
v / ii. — three million years (after stasis)
Set during the series, defaulting to either post-season 6, season 10, or post-TPL.
v / iii. — crewman third-class (star trek verse)
Like his canon counterpart, Lister is a third-class technician crewman onboard [literally whichever ship]. He never attended Starfleet Academy, and more or less enlisted for the benefits, and to boldly go where no one has gone before. Space travel excites him, but he has very few aspirations or motivations despite being quite good at his job.


ARNOLD RIMMER — @rulesbent
Lister’s best friend and worst enemy, the person he loves the most and the person he hates the most — Rimmer is a smeghead, but he’s Lister’s smeghead. He drives Lister mad, but he can’t live without him. They’ve been through everything together, and they are each other’s other halves, for better or for worse.
MUTT — @guttersniper
When the boys discovered a young stowaway three million years into the future, they immediately adopted Mutt into the posse. Lister immediately took to Mutt, seeing him as the little brother he never had. Neither would play favorites, but it's no secret that Mutt is closer to Lister than any of the others. As time goes on, Lister starts to see Mutt as more of a son than a brother, though he doesn't actually realize this until they're both much older. Nonetheless, Lister would do anything for Mutt, and he's always there for him no matter what.
WILLOW SKY — @skymade
Lister’s friendship with Willow started as so many do — in a bar. She heard him play guitar at open mic, and was instantly infatuated. Loving the attention, Lister was smitten — especially coming off a shitty breakup, They parted ways at the end of the night, but kept in touch ever since. Willow is one of those people who’s just unforgettable. One of those people you just want in your life forever. Lister’s a lucky man.



  • NAME - Quark

  • AGE - 36 as of ds9 season 1, 43 by the end of season 7

  • SPECIES - Ferengi

  • PRONOUNS - he/him

  • SEXUALITY - bisexual

  • AFFILIATION - civilian

  • OCCUPATION - bartender/bar owner/businessman

  • HEIGHT - 5’5"

  • FACECLAIM - Armin Shimerman

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - intelligent, good listener, intuitive, has better morals than you'd think

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - selfish, greedy, avaricious, ridgid, conservative


Please note that I will write Quark exclusively with constablegoo's Odo. We've developed so much backstory and lore that my portrayal of Quark is tied intrinsically to Indigo's portrayal of Odo. Not that there are many other Odos around, but I still feel the need to state this.


YOUR EARLIEST MEMORIES are of your Moogie teaching the Rules of Acquisition to you and your baby brother while your father is at work. Ever since you were a child, all you ever wanted was to be the best Ferengi possible. You cherish every pilgrimage to the Great Marketplace, walking with Rom and your neighbor Ravh while your fathers exchanged latinum with the most profitable vendors on the planet. Money is everything, and you are going to be a businessman, and one day, the Grand Nagus.YOUR MOTHER AND FATHER fight all the time. He can't hold onto latinum. She wants to help. He won't let her. She gets angry. She begins acting out. She wears clothes. She reads father's ledger books when he isn't home. She coddles Rom, and scolds you. Being home becomes unbearable.YOU REACH THE AGE OF ASCENSION, and purchase an apprenticeship with the district Sub-Nagus. You move out and into an apartment in the city. You're moving up in the world. You start going out with Brunt, the secretary from down the hall. The Sub-Nagus invites you for dinner and you forget the 112th Rule of Acquisition: Never have sex with the boss' sister. You're fired, your reputation ruined, and you flee Ferenginar in shame. Brunt doesn't forgive you for leaving him behind.YOU'RE QUARK, THE CHEF, with a job on a freighter preparing meals for a crew of 100. Space travel is unpleasant, but at least there's no rain, and you're better suited for customer service than clerical work. It leaves room for your own business ventures on the side. You like the work, but the work doesn't like you — the XO has it out for you, and half the crew is convinced you're attempting to poison them. After eight years, you strike out on your own, though you continue to embezzle money from the ship's funds from time to time.YOU'RE QUARK, THE TRADER, and you make a lot of friends as a freelance entrepreneur. You're a better businessman when you're on your own timetable. You're not exactly honest with your money, but when has that ever mattered? You make some enemies, but that's to be expected when you manage to evade arrest and your partner doesn't. Who can blame you?YOU'RE QUARK, THE BARTENDER, and this is the most profitable business opportunity you've ever had. A whole restaurant of your own, even on a remote Cardassian outpost, is quite an accomplishment. And you're only 31. Grand Nagus Zek was 35 when he made his first million, so you still have a couple of years to rake in the latinum. As it turns out, the Cardassian occupation of Bajor is really awful, and the new Chief of Security is kind of a bummer, but he's also sort of your best friend, so it's not so bad — even if he's a real spoilsport and is constantly trying to get you arrested.THINGS CHANGE . The occupation ends, the Federation moves in, and you prepare to move out. It's been nice, but there have to be greener pastures, right? But that Starfleet Commander is too clever for his own good, and before you know it, you're being blackmailed into sticking around. Business booms. Overall, people are... happier. That's encouraging. You're starting to think that maybe this won't be so bad after all.


v / i. — terok nor (pre-canon verse)
Takes place on Terok Nor during the occupation.
v / ii. — deep space nine (canon and post-canon verse)
Takes place on Deep Space Nine during the events of the show up through the year 2391.
v / iii. — hungover in the city of dust (pre-picard+ verse)
Takes place from 2391 on, when Quark has moved off the station to Stardust City, Freecloud, and is living with Odo.
v / iv. — dominion records
1970s AU. Quark runs a music venue in Stardust City.
** v / v. — beetles for sale (baccano verse)**
1930s human AU. Quark is the owner of a casino, and serves as the main bartender. This is largely a cover for his side hustle as an information broker.


Coming soon.



  • NAME - Sivath Aloran Sasak “Zack” Addy

  • AGE - 24

  • SPECIES - Vulcan

  • PRONOUNS - he/him

  • SEXUALITY - bisexual

  • RANK - ensign

  • DIVISION - science

  • HEIGHT - 5’11”

  • FACECLAIM - Eric Millegan

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - intelligent, logical, kind, soft-spoken

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - one-track minded, reckless, stubborn, childish


Zack Addy is a canon character from the TV show Bones. My main verse is in the Star Trek AU I’ve developed for him, but I do have a canon verse available by request. I have attempted to keep ties to canon as much as I can, and if you’re familiar with Bones, you’ll be able to see what I’ve lifted directly from the source. I consider him a crossover canon rather than OC, because I don’t have to change most of his canon information to fit this verse. However, you don’t have to be familiar at all with the show to write with him.In many verses, I will default to Zack having earned both his doctorates, and so although he does hold the rank of ensign, it is formally correct to address him as “Doctor”.Sivath = outsider, Aloran = beloved student, Sasak = from out of longevity


Zack is bright, curious, inquisitive, and friendly. Or at least he tries to be. He’s never been one to understand or care for social graces, and he has a tendency to take everything extremely literally, with metaphors, idioms, and references often going over his head. He does not consider this to be a disadvantage, but it does tend to make communicating difficult for him. Making friends in general is not an easy task — he likes people just fine, but when their IQ is far below his, he struggles to communicate effectively, and when he was a child there were often misunderstandings with the human students because of his sometimes odd speech patterns and his apparent standoffishness. However, his intentions are always pure, and he hates knowing that he’s hurt anyone’s feelings, especially because he usually can’t wrap his mind around what he’s done wrong. He’s gentle, incapable of severely hurting anyone. Though he did get into a few fights as a child, he never fought back and usually ended up with a bloody nose and bruises. He did train in self-defense when he got older, and he’s deceptively strong now, but you’ll still never catch him even killing bugs or insects.Zack values logic above all else, at least after living on Vulcan. However, his human tendencies can never really be unlearned, and he maintains a much more casual presentation and mannerisms than most Vulcans. He learns how to control his emotions and hide them well, but he still feels very strongly, and he suffers from anxiety that never goes away no matter where he is. Despite his genius-level IQ and many talents, Zack has an inferiority complex and a submissive personality, making him at times extremely gullible and subject to manipulation. He will rarely hold his ground, and he can be persuaded into doing just about anything if the logic is sound. He especially is a very bad reader of sarcasm, exaggeration, and lies, contributing to his tendency to take everything at face value.Still, despite how immature and naive he might come across as, he’s brilliant, and that’s evident whenever he opens his mouth. And as annoying as he might be, his lack of ego and sweet and awkward demeanor is incredibly endearing.


YOU WERE BORN Sivath Aloran Sasak, to two renowned VUlcan archeologists working mainly on Earth, occasional guest lecturers at Starfleet Academy. They often traveled off-world on research expeditions, during which they left you, just a baby, with a human family they worked with.YOU ARE TWO YEARS OLD, and your parents attend a conference with a number of important people. There's an attack on the space station, and they are both killed in the explosion. You are adopted by the human family, and they raise you as their own on Earth. The Addys are a large family, and you now have three new brothers and four sisters. The younger ones have a difficult time pronouncing your Vulcan name, so Sasak often comes out as just "Sak" which then becomes "Zack".YOU ARE ZACK ADDY, raised human, and despite the fact that your family never discourages you from exploring your Vulcan heritage, you are content to just be human. You struggle to connect with your peers, and it is easier to not set yourself further apart than necessary. Even in appearance, you do his best to hide your Vulcan looks, keeping your hair shaggy to disguise your eyebrows and cover the points of your ears. However, there are non-physical traits that are simply in your nature. You have odd speech patterns, and you are somewhat of a child prodigy by human standards, moving quickly through school. As a result, you are teased and bullied throughout your adolescent years. He are never angry — just upset. You do not know how to control emotion through logic. You learn to take matters into your own hands by the most ‘logical’ method.YOU ARE TWELVE YEARS OLD, and there is an incident at school involving another student cheating off of your test. You confront them about it, resulting in a one-sided fight in which you sustain serious injuries. It is at this point that you begin to realize you are never going to fully fit in on Earth, and you are tired of trying.YOU BEGIN TO STUDY the way of Surak, and take refuge and solace in the controlling of emotion and adherence to logic. However, without a lifetime of training, you are never able to completely suppress your emotions, nor do you wish to. You decide to attend the Vulcan Science Academy. You study hard, and apply every single year, until you are finally accepted at age sixteen.YOU LEAVE HOME and move to Vulcan, immersing yourself in the culture and atmosphere. You cut your hair, practice meditation, live with a host family and participate in their cultural rituals. You work hard and earn a degree in Aerospace Engineering, and graduate at age 20. It is a transformative experience in many ways, and you come away with a new goal — Starfleet.YOU ARE A STARFLEET CADET, intending to pursue two doctorates — one in engineering and one in archeology like your parents. In your first year, you take a course in Forensic Xenoanthropology and fall in love with it. The specialized degree requires an additional year of fieldwork to complete your dissertation, so after four years, you was assigned to your first posting. At the end of that year you officially graduate with two degree and earn the rank of Ensign, where you continue at your post as a Starfleet officer.


v / i. — ex astris scientia (vsa and starfleet academy verse)
Takes place during Zack’s time in school, either at the Vulcan Science Academy or Starfleet Academy. Zack is pursuing a degree in Aerospace Engineering. Ages 16-20, 20-24.
v / iii. — these are the voyages (tos/aos/snw/tng verse) (also applicable w/ disco s2 & other ships)At the end of his fourth year at Starfleet Academy, Zack is posted to the USS Enterprise to complete his dissertations. When he graduates, he earns his doctorates. Age 24+During the Dominion War, Zack receives transfer orders and is posted to a field medical ship. His job is to recover bodies of the deceased, identify them, and ascertain cause of death and any other useful information on the enemy that the bones may reveal.During the Federation-Klingon War, Starfleet contacts Zack and attempts to transfer him off the Enterprise to a ship more in the action. He resists the orders, not wanting to use his work for war.v / iv. — every day’s a mystery (ds9 verse)
At the end of his fourth year at Starfleet Academy, Zack is posted to Deep Space Nine to complete his dissertation. For this verse, I will default to Zack not having received his degree yet, and therefore not being an ensign yet either. Age 24+
During the Dominion War, because he has not yet graduated, he remains on DS9. His job remains more or less the same as in his TNG verse, but he does his work only from the station (in this regard it’s more similar to his Discovery verse).v / vi. — skeletons of metal (picard verse)
Zack is on Vulcan, where he has been living and working for the ten years following the incident on the ibn Majid, where he served with Rios. After the synth ban is lifted, he travels to Coppelius where he works with Soong. Age 35+ Read more here!
v / vii. — pain in the heart (canon verse)
Zack is working toward his doctorate in forensic anthropology and working as Dr. Brennan’s assistant at the Jeffersonian. And then it all goes to shit. It’s just canon verse man. Age 24+


For all intents and purposes, Christine should be like a niece to Zack. But ever since his release from the mental hospital, he hasn’t been able to look at her without seeing her father. Years later, though his grudge has long since faded, tension still exists between the two of them. Christine is a bitter reminder of everything Zack missed when he was locked up. Eventually, however, they come to an understanding and grow very close.
AELLA MOORE — @empathicstars
When Zack moved to Vulcan to attend the VSA, his host family consisted of a man named Suran and his protégé, a young Betazoid named Aella. Over the four years that Zack lived there, Aella became like a sister to him — despite their differences, he found they had more in common than he ever would’ve suspected.
CRISTÓBAL RIOS — @cristobalrios
Rios was the XO on the ibn Majid when Zack was assigned there, and he really took the young Vulcan under his wing. Rios became like an older brother to Zack, and Zack looked up to him a lot. After they both left Starfleet, they lost touch, but when Rios contacted Zack 10 years later, he was grateful to have him back in his life once again.



  • NAME - Twelve of Twenty

  • AGE - mid-late 20s.

  • SPECIES - Original unknown, formerly Borg, now xB

  • PRONOUNS - she/her

  • SEXUALITY - lesbian

  • OCCUPATION/AFFILIATION - Previously of the Borg Collective

  • HEIGHT - 5’2”

  • SCARS/NOTABLE FEATURES - A full Borg eyepiece on left side of the face, additional implants and wiring, missing lower left arm, significant scarring around the implants.

  • FACECLAIM - Eva Noblezada

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - intelligent, strong-willed, talented

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - volatile, closed-off, bad-tempered


Welcome to my OC! Her faceclaim is Eva Noblezada, and I will be using icons from the bootleg of Hadestown. However, because my editing skills are beyond nonexistent, there will be no reflection of her Borg implants in those icons. Please use the above drawing (by my amazing friend @nonbinarysaru on twitter) for reference on her appearance.Twelve is set primarily in pre-Picard era, but is highly flexible between the years 2369 and 2399. See my verses for more information, but generally, interactions will take place on Ohniaka III (although I am developing alt verses that give her reason to be elsewhere throughout this time.It’s been a while since I’ve written a new OC. Please be patient with me as I figure things out.


Twelve isn’t exactly what you’d call a ‘social creature’. It’s not that she doesn’t like to talk to people, she does. But her options of people to talk to are severely limited most of the time. When your options are (perhaps well-meaning, perhaps not) non-Borg, and other xBs who will do anything possible to suck up to those non-Borg and get on their good side, sometimes it’s just easier to be on your own. And so explains Twelve’s self-imposed isolation from her people and the rest of the world. She loves to debate her opinions with other xBs, but since that tends to only start arguments, she’s learned to keep to herself to avoid starting any more unnecessary conflict. Not that she doesn’t like conflict — it’s just a waste of time. She has seen first-hand the harm that non-Borg do to xBs, the prejudice and the intolerance, and it instilled a rage in her that cannot be quelled. As such, she has a tendency to be short-tempered and prone to anger outbursts.Twelve refuses to conform, and refuses to be passive and docile just to keep an illusion of peace between xBs and the Federation. She argues that it’s unfair that they should have to be polite and never do anything that could stir up tensions when non-Borg can do whatever they want without it reflecting negatively on their entire species. Because of these strong opinions, she refuses to actively participate in any efforts of diplomacy with the Federation, although she respects those who do. Despite this, Twelve highly values her individuality, and believes strongly in Borg liberation.On the other hand, she sees no need to hide the parts of her that are Borg. She’s proud of what she was, and who she is becoming — which means she also sees no need to learn what species she used to be. Additionally, she also has a very loose relationship with gender. xB gender theory is already a very fluid thing, but for Twelve, although she’s comfortable being referred to as a woman and with she/her pronouns, she doesn’t actually care. She just wants to exist as she is, without any input or unwanted opinions from anyone else. In general, her vibe is simply ‘do not perceive me ever’.


Twelve of Twenty was on the Borg cube that was severed from the Collective when Hugh’s individuality began to spread, subsequently crashing on Ohniaka III. After the incident with Lore, a community of xBs discovering what it means to exist as individuals began to sprang up, and Twelve was among them. She clung to the concept of identity like it was a lifeline. However, de-assimilation is a mentally exhausting and frankly terrifying process without something to ground yourself. It’s a balance of remembering what it was like to be a Borg, while taking that experience and creating something new. For Twelve, it was the holographic imaging tech her optical implants and eyepiece are programmed with that she held onto. Being able to create images in her mind enabled her to stay calm when she was spiraling. So in the end, she decided she didn’t want to have those implants removed. A prosthetic eye would not be nearly as advanced as her Borg eyepiece, so she ultimately removed only the parts that were necessary and kept everything else. And though it makes her look far more Borgish than many other xBs, she honestly prefers it that way.Over time, Twelve discovered that she could use her holography skills to create holographic art. She fell in love with it, with creating imagery out of light that she could manipulate, animate, paint with only her mind. She dedicated all her time and energy to it, and though her work had many themes, she became known for her beautiful but graphic depictions of the horrors of assimilation and the hardships of reclamation. Her work was rather off-putting to even an xB audience, but their reactions did not deter her. She created for herself, and only for herself. In fact, though her sculptures could be seen throughout the compound, very few people knew who the artist was. Or knew her, at all. And that was how she liked it.Twelve remained on Ohniaka for years, until after the cube known as the Artifact, previously host to the Borg Reclamation Project, crashed on Coppelius. Outside Federation jurisdiction, the Artifact became a new xB base, of a different kind. Twelve took a chance and relocated, hoping that she would forge a kinship with her people there that she had failed to find on Ohniaka III. And she did. And so, in spite of herself, Twelve of Twenty began to fall in love with her life.


v / i. — ohniaka (pre-picard verse)
Takes place while Twelve is on Ohniaka III. Anywhere between 2369-2399.
v / ii. — coppelius (post-picard verse)
Takes place once Twelve relocates to Coppelius to live among the xB community that springs up from the survivors of the crash.



  • NAME - Kinayut "Scorpi" Jaskoth

  • AGE - 25

  • SPECIES - Cardassian

  • PRONOUNS - he/him

  • SEXUALITY - bisexual


  • RANK - Cadet

  • DIVISION - Operations (Tactical)

  • HEIGHT - 5’8”

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - empathetic, intelligent, loyal, outgoing

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - insecure, awkward, anxious, lacks tact

I haven't decided which ship I want Scorpi to do his field study on — my first impulse is the Excelsior because I want him and Elnor to meet and work together, but it may end up making more sense to have him on the Stargazer. Or it may not matter at all. Basically, I'm flexible.


Scorpi is cadet at the Academy, the first Cardassian in Starfleet. His family has a long history with the Cardassian Union, but were disgraced after the Dominion War. He hopes that joining Starfleet will help bridge the gap between his people and the Federation.The tl;dr is his grandparents were hardcore supporters of the Dominion alliance and worked closely with Dukat. After the war, they were tried and sentenced to exile but before they could leave, they were assassinated by extremists who believed all Dominion sympathizers should have been executed.His father was also in the military but defected right at the end of the war, joining the resistance. The exact reason is unknown, though most say he knew that the tide was turning and simply wanted to be on the winning side. Others say it was to protect his civilian wife who was pregnant at the time. Maybe it was a combination of both.GRANDFATHER (p) - Lorvis Jaskoth
GRANDMOTHER (p) - Naskeh Jaskoth (née Ayi)
FATHER - Dijoth Jaskoth
MOTHER - Meiki Jaskoth (née Ghelnal)


Scorpi is a bright and enthusiastic young man with a strong sense of pride and honor. Love for his people and his family was instilled in him at a young age, but the backlash and criticism his family faces made his childhood a difficult one. He grew up very isolated from other children his age, and has a difficult time making friends and navigating social interactions. He's very smart and loves to learn. He has an affinity for history and collects ancient artifacts and little tidbits of information.He is also neurodivergent as fuck, including diagnosed anxiety; that being said, he's a self-proclaimed extrovert, though his loud and awkward nature tends to deter people from approaching him.Scorpi is nothing like the rest of his family, aside from his Cardassian pride. Starfleet is a dream for him, and he remains optimistic about the future.


THE YEAR IS 2376 and less than nine months have passed since the end of the Dominion War, wounds still raw and tensions still deep. A baby is born on Cardassia Prime amidst the rubble of a fallen empire.YOUR NAME IS KINAYUT, and you are the heir to the Jaskoth family - a line of soldiers and war heroes who have served the Cardassian Union for as long as history can recall.YOUR EARLIEST MEMORY is a funeral, a somber day of mourning for your grandparents, murdered in their own home by extremists who don't believe in second chances, all because Legate Corat Damar, the face of the new Cardassia, does. No one comes.THERE ARE RUMORS that you are not your father's son. Skrain Dukat, the disgraced predecessor to Damar, had a reputation for persuing unobtainable women, and word on the street says your mother was one of his many conquests. You know it's not true, but still, a dark cloud hang over you...THE JASKOTHS are a family of traitors. Lorvis & Naskeh betrayed Cardassia by supporting the Dominion alliance. Dijoth betrayed Cardassia by defecting to the resistance. Everyone expects you to live up to the family name.THE YEAR IS 2395 and more than anything, you want to make your family proud. You love Cardassia, you will do anything to prove that your people are strong, that twenty years after the war, you are ready to take the next steps toward righting all those wrongs.THE YEAR IS 2400, and after five years of trying, you are accepted into Starfleet Academy, the first Cardassian to reach this milestone. Thanks to the support of Legate Damar and and your sponsor Captain Nog, you will begin to bridge the gap between Cardassia and the Federation. No one is happy for you.YOU MAY BE READY for Starfleet, but Starfleet isn't ready for you. The other students are wary of your species, and the teachers and officers have heard the theories about your parentage. You do your best in school, but it's difficult. You don't fit in, and no matter how hard you try to make friends, many of your classmates - particularly your Bajoran ones - are not ready to accept you.YOU DO EVERYTHING YOU CAN to make them forget that you're a Cardassian. You wear high-collar shirts under your uniform to cover your neck ridges, and dye a streak of your hair white. Finally, you decide to change your name — Kinayut translates to Scorpion in Federation Standard; Scorpi is the anglicization you decide to use. You hope this will help. It doesn't. You begin to wonder if this whole Starfleet thing was a mistake, but when you think about facing your father with your failure, it makes you sick to your stomach. You decide to wait it out — you've come too far to give up now.


  • NAME - Nog

  • AGE - 22 by the end of ds9 season 7

  • SPECIES - Ferengi

  • PRONOUNS - he/him

  • SEXUALITY - bisexual

  • RANK - cadet (2371), ensign (2374), lieutenant (2375)

  • DIVISION - engineering

  • HEIGHT - 5'0"

  • FACECLAIM - Aron Eisenberg

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - intelligent, practical, dedicated, loyal

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - imprudent, stubborn, overconfident, troublemaker

full bio coming soon.

vic fontaine

  • NAME - Vic Fontaine

  • AGE - 60s (appearance), 1 year active

  • SPECIES - hologram

  • PRONOUNS - he/him

  • SEXUALITY - straight

  • OCCUPATION/AFFILIATION - lounge singer/owner and entertainer, part of a long-running holoprogram

  • HEIGHT - 5’10”

  • FACECLAIM - James Darren

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - talented, compassionate, observant

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - stubborn, limited, overbearing

full bio coming soon.


  • NAME - Qelet

  • AGE - 25 (as of 2393)

  • SPECIES - Ferengi / xB

  • PRONOUNS - they/them

  • SEXUALITY - ???

  • RANK - cadet (2388), ensign (2393)

  • DIVISION - security

  • HEIGHT - 5'2"

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - sharp-witted, daring, energetic

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - impulsive, aggressive, indecisive


Qelet is the child of Haibar (a successful businessman and former employee of Quark on Terok Nor), and Kinia (who holds a minor political office in the Tower of Commerce). At age 18, they were captured and assimilated by the Borg. They were reclaimed a year later, and underwent heavy surgery and medical procedures as part of their recovery. They decided to go into Starfleet and are now a security officer, awaiting deployment.Qelet is set by default in the pre-Picard era (2393), but I can write them as early as early as 2386 or any time in Picard-era or after.


In lieu of a full bio at this time, you can find Qelet's Starfleet dossier below:




  • NAME - Iba

  • AGE - 34 (as of 3190)

  • SPECIES - Ferengi

  • PRONOUNS - she/her

  • SEXUALITY - bisexual

  • RANK - lieutenant

  • DIVISION - science

  • HEIGHT - 5'2"

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - intelligent, shrewd, dedicated, curious, good listener, worldly

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - arrogant, cunning (bordering on manipulative), defensive


Iba is one of only 45 Ferengi left in Starfleet following the Burn. She serves on the USS Nog along with the majority of the remaining Ferengi, as a science officer. She's transferred to the USS Discovery at the end of season 3 / beginning of season 4.I really just wanted a Discovery-based character :]Iba's friends on the USS Nog were the Captain Ziarra, First Officer Ros, Communications Officer Yelva, Chief Engineer Sovarta, and Chief Medical Officer Hrava.When she transfers to the Discovery, I think she gets along well with Tilly, she loves Adira, she admires Paul and they’re both very good at what they do but something tells me he finds her abrasive (just a Ferengi thing lmao). She admires Michael a lot but is intimidated by her, I think she and Owo would be friends, she and Reno probably VIBE so hard.... yeah :’)


Iba has two moms, Nirall and Kellasha, who are also Starfleet officers — an Admiral (Kellasha) and a Captain (Nirall). Her grandmother, Lemiya, who was also a Captain, was killed in the Burn. Iba's grandfather Palok was not in Starfleet — he ran a small business on Ferenginar, and therefore survived the burn. Lemiya was about the be promoted to Admiral and was looking forward to being able to move back to Ferenginar with her husband and work mostly from home, but she never had that opportunity.Iba grew up with her parents' love for Starfleet and the Federation, despite the hardships their family and all Ferengi faced in the wake of the Burn. When she was old enough, she enlisted as well.She was posted to the USS Nog, the first Eisenberg-class starship and one of the only ones to survive the Burn. Its crew is now 80% Ferengi, and the majority of the 45 remaining Ferengi in Starfleet serve on it. Iba was a science officer, rank of Lieutenant, specializing in research regarding the distillation of liquid metals for use as energy alternatives for dilithium. The project’s work slowed down once the dilithium repository was discovered on Theta Zeta, and she was transferred from the Nog to the Discovery due to her vast knowledge of the work being done within the Federation and her familiarity with the current member and non-member planets.


In the late 25th century, Ferenginar joined the United Federation of Planets. This was a result of the massive planetary and cultural changes brought about by Grand Nagus Rom over the course of his tenure, as well as the influence of Federation Ambassador Nog, who served from 2353 until his death in the mid-2600s. Ambassador Nog’s position made the negotiations possible, and so by 2480, Ferenginar became a member planet. Grand Nagus Rom retired in 2475, 100 years after he assumed office, and his successor, his granddaughter Ishka (named for her great-grandmother) spent her first 5 years working alongside her uncle to push Ferenginar through the end of the process.While Ferenginar remained focused on commerce, many Ferengi retained their shrewd business-minded sensibilities. Greed was a trait still common in the late 25th century, but it was no longer an expectation, nor was a lack of greed deemed unsavory. Trade relations with other Federation worlds improved, and as more and more Ferengi joined Starfleet, so did diplomacy. The fight for women’s equality which began in the 2370s with Grand Nagus Zek continued, and with generational changes, the gap grew smaller. Women held positions of power and office, and the first female Nagus (one who was 1/4 Bajoran) marked the beginning of a new era for Ferenginar.Work conditions improved, unions became the norm, and though Ferenginar still practiced currency-based economics, the acquisition of profit was no longer the prominent driving force of the planet. Latinum could be exchanged for Federation Credits with ease both among civilians and Starfleet officers.
Over the course of the next 600 years, Ferenginar continued to integrate into the Federation. Though they remained one of the more distinct and unique cultures, they became nearly indistinguishable from their 24th century counterparts. In 3053, on the 600th anniversary of Ambassador Nog’s death, the first Eisenberg-Class starship was commissioned, named after him. The USS Nog was one of the only ships of this class to survive the Burn in 3069, having been docked and inactive for maintenance at the time.
However, following the Burn, Ferenginar was one of the first worlds to secede from the Federation. With countless Ferengi deaths, hundreds of ships destroyed, and millions if not billions in revenue lost, they withdrew from the crumbling union. Because the Ferengi Alliance remained one of the largest trade superpowers in the galaxy, the loss of warp capability resulted in heavy damage to their economy. The conversion rate from federation credits to latinum plummeted, with credits becoming next to worthless in comparison. At least one third of Ferengi citizens were using Federation credits exclusively, and in the subsequent economic collapse, lost nearly all their money when exchanged for latinum.
The current Grand Nagus was deposed, replaced by a younger and more forceful successor who promised to not only carry Ferenginar through this economic and social crisis, but to restore the Alliance to its former glory, supposedly from the 24th and early 25th century before their Federation membership. The importance of latinum increased. Ferenginar once again became an economic superpower. Class differences were prominent and drastic, with those who had relied solely on Federation credits falling into poverty, and those who retained their latinum fortunes gaining power and notoriety. Trade increased across the galaxy, and the Ferengi Alliance formed a relationship with the Emerald Chain crime syndicate, with Ferengi businessmen working as independent contractors, merchants, and cargo pilots for the Orions and Andorians.Less than 100 Ferengi Starfleet officers remained in active service following the Burn, though the meaning of this changed drastically in the immediate wake of the disaster. The majority of these officers had lost close friends and family and wished to honor their contributions and their deaths. Their Federation membership remained intact by proxy, despite their homeworld’s secession. This number steadily decreased over the next century, as elder officers retired and very few of their children chose to pursue Starfleet service. Those born on Ferenginar after the Burn were not permitted to join, even by recommendation from a Command-level officer. By 3189, the Ferengi population in Starfleet was reduced to a mere 45, with the majority all serving together on the recently re-commissioned USS Nog.Though the Federation began to rebuild with the arrival of the USS Discovery in 3189 and the identification of the Burn’s origin, Ferenginar did not seek membership a second time. The disbanding of the Emerald Chain resulted in more initial profit loss, but ultimately the Ferengi Alliance began to see overall improvement, aided by the discovery of a dilithium repository on Theta Zeta. The remaining Ferengi Starfleet officers continued to represent their planet and their people to the best of their ability, just as their earliest predecessors did in the 24th and 25th centuries.



  • NAME - Pel

  • AGE - 27 as of ds9 season 2 (subject to change)

  • SPECIES - Ferengi

  • PRONOUNS - he/she/they

  • SEXUALITY - pansexual

  • OCCUPATION - entrepreneur, former waiter

  • HEIGHT - 5'1"

  • FACECLAIM - Helene Udy

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - intelligent, meticulous, persuasive, ambitious, adventurous, resourceful

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - conniving, manipulative, temperamental, lacking in social judgement


I write Pel as a nonbinary trans man. You can read more about their gender identity here.Pel’s pronouns are he/she/they but...
- Strangers should use he/him
- Friends can use they/them or he/him
- Only other trans muses can use she/her
I will rotate using all three pronoun sets, or I may default to one depending on the verse/setting of the thread. The above is only a rough guide. When referring to them OOC, feel free to use any pronouns, but they/them or he/him are still preferred if the mun is not trans.


YOU KNEW YOU WERE DIFFERENT from a young age. Ferengi culture and law does not allow women to wear clothes, leave the home, earn profit, or have any sort of life. You want more. In secret, you teach yourself all you need to know about business and latinum and the Rules of Acquisition. You make yourself a pair of synthetic lobes, steal clothes from your brother, change your name, and run away to start a new life.YOUR NAME IS PEL, and your travels take them to Deep Space Nine, where you hope to learn from the person you consider the best in the business — and more importantly, to get close to the wormhole and the Gamma Quadrant, taking advantage of the profit to be found there.YOU DO NOT COUNT on falling in love with Quark... nor do you expect living as a man to feel so right.YOUR TRUE IDENTITY IS REVEALED to Quark, Rom, and the Grand Nagus Zek, and you are forced to leave DS9. You go to the Gamma Quadrant for a while, but when the Dominion War begins, you flee back to the Alpha Quadrant for your own safety.YOU END UP up on Solamin Prime, where you learned to fly shuttles and work as a pilot, doing small local deliveries and keeping your head down.THROUGHOUT YOUR TRAVELS you begin to grow more and more comfortable in the identity you've created for yourself. You realize that living as a man is not just a necessity for survival — it's a deeper part of who you are. Over a few years, you come to terms with this new identity, though you are still discovering more about yourself every day.


v / i. — wanting more
this verse is set on the station, up until the end of season 2 episode 7. pel arrives sometime between season 1 and season 2, and works as a waiter at quark’s, disguised as a man. she and quark become very close throughout 2x07, and she develops a crush on him. she assists him in his negotiations with the dosi, and he considers her a close advisor. when rom finds out pel’s true identity, she’s forced to leave deep space nine, though rom, quark, and grand nagus zek all vow to keep her secret.
v / ii. — exploring the galaxy
after pel leaves deep space nine, they travel the galaxy, doing business and making quite a life for themself. they’re happy like this, and make quite a profit. this is the most flexible verse, best for crossovers or any interactions that couldn’t take place on the station.
v / iii. — making a home
this verse has a few different ways it can go. OPTION ONE: pel never leaves deep space nine. everyone keeps his secret, and he continues to live and work on the station. OPTION TWO: pel returns to deep space nine at some point following the events of 6x23 profit and lace. once zek passes his new law about females being allowed to work, she finds herself back on ds9 once again. great for later in canon interactions set on the station! how and why she ends up there is flexible, though OPTION THREE is an au of profit and lace where instead of quark crossdressing, he calls pel and asks her to negotiate with commissioner nilva in place of ishka. after that, she sticks around, at least for a while. ( I actually wrote a fic based on this concept. )



  • NAME - Gray Tal

  • AGE - 17 (as of 3190)

  • SPECIES - Trill

  • PRONOUNS - he/him

  • SEXUALITY - pansexual

  • AFFILIATION - USS Discovery

  • HEIGHT - 5'1"

  • FACECLAIM - Ian Alexander

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - thoughtful, eloquent, warm

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - uncertain, somewhat lost


Gray is a Trill who was living on a generational ship with his partner Adira when he was killed in an accident. The symbiont was joined with Adira, and shortly after, Gray began appearing to them in an incorporeal form. With the help of Dr. Culber, Gray's consciousness was transferred into a synthetic body, and he now resides on Discovery.Gray is canonically and explicitly trans, as is his actor.


THE GENERATION SHIP is like a microcosm, a small fragment of the wide, wide world. You have always wanted to see the stars, but more than that, you long to become a Guardian, the revered protectors of the symbionts on Trill, who cultivate the rich history passed from host to host.YOUR NAME IS GRAY TAL, a name that carries more weight than you ever believed you would. You were unprepared to be joined, but with your sound mind and centered soul, Tal accepts you. You are re-learning who you are. Fortunately, Adira is there. Adira, who you care deeply for, who makes you smile, who makes you feel like a person when you start to only feel like a purpose.YOU HAVE NEVER KNOWN PAIN like this. There is no one to help. There is nowhere to go. Everything you've ever learned about being a Guardian is in the forefront of your mind: you must not let the symbiont die. So you do the only thing you can — you ask Adira to take Tal. You love Adira, so Tal will love Adira. Tal will accept them just like you. You die, confident in this knowledge.THERE IS NOTHING for a long time. You rest in blissful ignorance and peace, unaware, unconscious to the world around you. Until one day, it all comes back.YOU ARE GRAY, OR YOU ARE TAL, but some days you don't feel like either. You are little more than a figment of Adira's imagination, but could a hallucination communicate so clearly? Would a hallucination have wants, hopes, dreams? You remember learning about the Rite of Emergence, and wonder if Adira unknowingly triggered the ritual in their yearning. It doesn't matter how it happened — you exist, if only in their mind.DOCTOR CULBER HAS CREATED A BODY for you, a near-replica, but better. Through the zhian'tara, your consciousness is transferred from Adira to your new synthetic form. You are alive. You are real. And you are perfect, and whole.



  • NAME - Zaphod Beeblebrox

  • ALIASES - The Big Z, Worst Dressed Sentient Being in the Known Universe, just this guy

  • AGE - looks 40, probably older

  • SPECIES - betelgeuse-ian

  • PRONOUNS - he/they

  • SEXUALITY - pansexual

  • OCCUPATION/AFFILIATION - (Former) President of the Galaxy

  • HEIGHT - 6'7"

  • FACECLAIM - David Alpay

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - charming, witty, charismatic, handsome

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - arrogant, rude, self-centered, dishonest, egotistical, just not that smart, unfashionable.


My interpretation of Zaphod pulls a little bit from all the canon source material. I am most familiar with the BBC series, and have seen the movie, though I don't love it. I'm still making my way through the books.ZAPHOD HAS TWO HEADS AND THREE ARMS, which you will not see in my icons. The left head is just a bit smarter than the other.My biggest canon divergence with Zaphod is that while he is a flirt and can be a bit pushy, he drinks his respect women juice and doesn't harass Trillian nearly as much as he does in the movie. He pushes her buttons, but he knows the limit. Also Trillian is a lesbian because I said so, and they're best buddies.For the sake of a fresh take and good icon quality, my alt. fc for Zaphod is David Alpay, specifically in his role in The Tudors.


I'm lazy & I have Covid right now, just read his wiki.


  • NAME - Enoch

  • AGE - 40s (appearance), less than 10 years active

  • SPECIES - hologram

  • PRONOUNS - he/him

  • SEXUALITY - ????

  • OCCUPATION/AFFILIATION - Emergency Navigational Hologram onboard La Sirena

  • HEIGHT - 6’0”

  • FACECLAIM - Santiago Cabrera

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - passionate, loyal, caring

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - loud, indelicate, easily distracted


Cristóbal Rios created a number of Emergency Holograms in his image upon his departure from Starfleet, the ENH among them. His ship came with a standard installation package of five, with generic personalities and accents. Rios chose the self-scan option for their appearance (though whether the reason was narcissism or self-loathing, they do not know) and was successfully able to upload his own memory base and knowledge into them, with various modifications. However, those memories and experiences combined with five-sizes-fit-all personality types led to very unique characteristics for all of them.Designed simply to be a useful program, Enoch only wants what’s best for Rios, but after spending quite some time with him, that helpfulness has begun to extend beyond navigation alone. Holographic programming has come a long way, so it’s unsurprising that Rios’ holograms have developed feelings and minds of their own. Enoch is energetic, well-intentioned but sometimes a bit insensitive, and cares deeply for his Captain. Most would argue that his loyalty comes from his programming, but he might tell you a different story. Rios of course cares little for his holograms, and Enoch is no exception. But he continues to care actively for him, wanting to spend time with Rios. Enoch knows he needs them all, so remains determined to look out for his friend, to keep him safe and content, no matter what angry words are thrown his way.He is, after all, just an emergency hologram.


CRISTOBAL RIOS — @cristobalrios
Enoch holds Rios in very high esteem, despite the fact that most of their relationship is incredibly unhealthy. Enoch takes verbal abuse from Rios without complaint, though he will often engage in debate with him that’s more like an argument that results in Enoch being deactivated. Still, despite it all, Enoch is indisputably, inexplicably, head over heels in love with the man, his creator, his own worst enemy. All he wants is for him to be happy, but his obsession with Rios becomes increasingly damaging.
EMIL — @cristobalrios
Emil, the EMH, is Enoch’s best friend. Part of that might be because they’re sort of forced to be in each other’s lives, but Enoch would like to think that no matter what their situation was, they would always end up friends. They’re practically inseparable and tell each other everything. Enoch leans on Emil when he’s upset about Rios, and Emil can always count on Enoch to be the reasonable and optimistic voice in the room when he’s stressed. Emil encourages Enoch to join Starfleet, even though it would mean leaving them behind, because he knows it’s his dream. Emil has also been pining for Enoch since forever, which Enoch is oblivious to.


  • NAME - Zhaban (alias: Noctis)

  • AGE - 54

  • SPECIES - Romulan

  • PRONOUNS - he/him

  • SEXUALITY - bisexual

  • OCCUPATION/AFFILIATION - Formerly Tal Shiar, now works as a housekeeper for Jean-Luc Picard

  • HEIGHT - 6’2”

  • FACECLAIM - Jamie McShane

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - loyal, honorable, a natural caregiver

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - hard-headed, opinionated, tactless


Zhaban was born in the north of Romulus into a family of Tal Shiar agents. When he was 12, his mother began training another young Romulan named Laris. The pair grew up together, Zhaban soon joining the Tal Shiar as well. They played, trained, and fought together for many years, until they were eventually stationed on the Romulan colony of Yuyat Beta as spies. Under the guise of winemakers working in the vineyards, they monitored the growing tensions between the Romulan people and the Federation as the date of the impending supernova grew nearer. It was on this planet that they fell in love.When Jean-Luc Picard and Raffi Muskier arrived on Yuyat Beta, the Romulan pair manipulated them, earned their trust, and eventually captured Picard’s ship. Laris intended for this to be a ruse, while Zhaban nearly turned them over to the governor on Yutar Beta. However, seeing Picard’s dedication to protecting his people, and seeing that same passion and loyalty reflected in himself, he turns his back on the Empire once and for all, and helps Picard escape.He and Laris decided to remain on Yuyat Beta to assist in the evacuation of the citizens. Once it was completed, they too left, and came to earth, finally taking Picard up on his earlier offer to remain in hiding at his Chateau. There they remained until the present day.


v / i. — early days (young verse)
Takes place in the early days of Zhaban’s time in the Tal Shiar, as a trainee.
v / ii. — tal shiar (pre-picard verse)
Takes place once Zhaban is a full member of the Tal Shiar. He’s partnered with Laris doing mainly undercover work, during which time they encounter Jean-Luc Picard amidst the Romulan Relocation initiative.
v / iii. — chateau picard (picard verse)
After Zhaban and Laris desert the Tal Shiar, they seek asylum on Earth. They live on the chateau with Picard and work as his groundskeepers.
In an alternate timeline, Picard takes Zhaban with him on his mission. He travels with the motley crew on La Sirena, acting mostly as Picard’s bodyguard.


LARIS — @alyafae
Laris is Zhaban’s partner in crime, in combat, in life, and eventually in marriage. They’ve known each other practically their whole lives, having grown up together, trained together, fought together, and risked their lives together. Zhaban has been in love with her from the moment they met. She is his other half, and he would do anything for her.



  • NAME - Troval

  • AGE - troval vc "i am 40 or 50 years old and i do not need this"

  • SPECIES - Betazoid, formerly Borg, now xB

  • PRONOUNS - she/they

  • SEXUALITY - TBD. (hye help pls)

  • AFFILIATION - Previously of the Borg Collective; Liberated Borg Collective, Reclamation project

  • RANK/DIVISION - Lead Medical Junction

  • HEIGHT - 5’3”

  • SCARS/NOTABLE FEATURES - Scars typical of former Borg, an eyepiece over the left eye, various other life-sustaining/improving implants.

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - confident, competent, empathetic



Troval is a Betazoid xB residing on Ohniaka III. One of the progenitor xBs, Troval leads the Reclamation Project's medical division, having performed the first ever reclamation procedure following Cubesfall.TROVAL IS AN OC BELONGING TO Hye @raijuthehyeju on twitter / @formerborgs on tumblr. Hye is a friend of mine, and has given me their permission and blessing to write Troval here. The character art featured above is my @mycorob on twitter. The source can be found here.Troval is a friends-only muse and will only be written with heavy plotting.


- short betazoid doctor. love them very much. troval is a progenitor xB: aka the same group from hugh and crosis' cube that crashed. also: the first one to enact a "reclamation procedure," AKA ripping a part of their own head's exo-plating off.
- troval comes from the place of "we know ourselves best," aka when queer people are just able to Get medical things that cishet doctors and medical practitioners will never fully understand.
- aside from being an emotional empath as a betazoid, troval is an xB doctor who's been around for an extremely long time to alpha quadrant xBs, and has seen their share of societal and personal crises in many different xBs.
- the pain from patients she's lost or the heartache they've endured at watching xBs suffer is something they're not unfamiliar with, but after going through their own reclamation procedures/sharpening her own individuality while also balancing life as a betazoid (emotional cauldron) vs. former borg (stoic x50), troval just gets it for fellow xBs, and they're one of the best surgeons on ohniaka iii for a reason.

Double Trouble


  • NAME - Double Trouble

  • AGE - [REDACTED] but usually appears and is mentally/emotionally around 25

  • SPECIES - Reptilian in appearance, part of an eldritch race of shapeshifters with no known name

  • PRONOUNS - they/them

  • SEXUALITY - extremely pansexual

  • OCCUPATION/AFFILIATION - mercenary & spy-for-hire

  • HEIGHT - 7’4”

  • COMMON APPEARANCE - light green skin | long pale hair | yellow reptilian eyes | sharp teeth | long pointed ears | whip-like tail | slim build -- seemingly underweight but surprisingly athletic and strong

  • ACTUAL APPEARANCE - unknown, but not entirely physical/corporeal. Their true form is rarely seen for more than a few seconds most of the time, but it vaguely resembles something reptilian -- if a reptile was made entirely of a galaxy being sucked into a black hole.

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - friendly, clever, passionate

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS - dishonest, conniving, disloyal & backstabbing


Double Trouble is a shapeshifter, descended from an ancient empathic eldritch race that ruled Etheria long before the arrival of the First Ones. They now reside in the Crimson Waste, working as mercenary-for-hire, but their true passion is acting, taking on “roles” as other people and will be a spy for whoever is paying the most.I used to write DT on sideshifted -- all similarities are therefore intentionalI also share headcanons with my pal Tam, who used to write DT on mxapplegreen. Any similarities you might recognize are also intentional.


Double Trouble is loud and brash, and though they’re outgoing they’re neither overly friendly nor tactful and charismatic. People tend to be off-put when they meet them, especially because they tend to lead with insults or very forward greetings, but they often don’t mean any harm. They know their power and their worth, and so they aren’t afraid to be themself. That being said, the overly flamboyant & dramatic personality is a front, much like any character they play. They use it to cover up the fact that they’re genuinely a caring, well-meaning person, because growing up in the Crimson Waste meant that being soft was a weakness. The tiny shift in tone we see when they tell Catra “I live to serve” (quickly amended with “for a price”) is as close to seeing that deeply buried side of them. Part of the reason they come across as shallow & superficial is because they’ve spent their whole life trying to figure out who they are, and they’ve never really found someone that they like being & that other people like. They have such a desire to be loved, and that paired with the fact that they love acting more than anything else means that it’s easier to be anyone but themself. They like showing off their diva actor side, but it isn’t really them. No one has ever seen them in a vulnerable & truthful way.


Double Trouble never knew their parents – both died when they were a baby. They like to say that they’re the child of royalty, a long lost heir to some kingdom’s throne. but in reality, they don’t know. All they do know is they’ve been around for a very long time. They were found and raised by mages who either didn’t know where they came from, or wouldn’t tell them. They were raised in the Crimson Waste, but they had a lot of people taking care of them. They were about as sheltered as one could be out there. They were the treasured, spoiled child who was taught magic & trickery early on. They never had to worry about the harsh realities, and they aren’t a particularly skilled fighter because of it. However, with their magic, they don’t really need to be able to hold their own in a fight. They’ve never not gotten what they want, and they know how to sweet talk just about anyone into just about anything. Eventually they struck out on their own, and have been making their own way ever since.


Many years before the First Ones shaped Etheria into what it is today, before any of the people you see today inhabited it, the planet was ruled over by kingdoms of eldritch beings. The name of these people has been lost to time, as have most of the beings themselves. One kingdom of shape shifting beings existed where the Whispering Woods now stand. When the First Ones arrived, they wiped out most of these ancient beings, in fear of their power, leaving little to no remnants of their existence. The only survivor from this specific kingdom was a baby -- found in the rubble by mages living in the kingdom that was where the Crimson Waste now is. They took the child and raised them to never know of their past, or the true history of what had happened on Etheria. As time passed, and the First Ones too disappeared, the planet’s origins faded into ancient myth. Over time, trees grew where the kingdom once was, and the ever-shifting Whispering Woods thrived on the magic of the people who left it behind.


Double Trouble uses magic to shapeshift into any form. They can change their appearance at will to anything, but they have the unique ability to perfectly replicate the form of another person as long as they’ve seen them before. Along with this, they have a knack for mimicking the personality of said person with an uncanny likeness. However, their ability to mimic personality has nothing to do with their shapeshifting. It isn’t even entirely acting, although they prefer to call it that, over magic. Double trouble is an empath, meaning that they can sense emotions and feelings and even motivations depending on how low someone’s mental walls are. Of course, it takes a good actor to portray anyone convincingly, but their “character study” is more about reading emotions and less about close observation (aka why they can get into someone’s head even without having been around them for very long). However, despite their empathic abilities, that does not translate to tact, or being good with other people whatsoever. They are skilled at deception and playing whatever role they choose to embody, as well as escaping from traps. Their stealth also lends itself to them being a master thief, though they do not make a habit of stealing for their own purposes.


This is knowledge Double Trouble does not have. At this time, no one knows this information.Double Trouble was the child of the royal family in their kingdom, destined to be a Princess. But due to the kingdom’s destruction and how they were raised, they never learned their own history. However, much like how Scorpia gets an invitation to the Princess Prom despite her whole kingdom defecting to the Horde, they also were invited. Because the princess alliance always knows, somehow. Even they don’t know, but it’s pretty concrete evidence that they have royal blood. They don’t know anything about the supposed kingdom they were a part of, but given that there aren’t any other royal shapeshifters, that’s a nagging doubt for them. They want to be royalty so badly. They grew up learning about the legend of She-Ra, and the warrior princess was always a hero for them. Even as “Flutterina'', their enthusiasm for meeting Adora was real — at first. But they’ve past believing in fairy tales. The real world is much harsher. And if they knew that their childhood hero was created by the people who wiped out their whole race, they might be singing a different tune about She-Ra.


  • NAME - Sister Luna

  • AGE - 24

  • SPECIES - Felis sapien

  • PRONOUNS - she/her

  • SEXUALITY - pansexual

  • AFFILIATION - Cleric, for the teachings of Cloister (later Lister, later Rimmer)

  • HEIGHT - 5'4"

  • FACECLAIM - Mandeep Dhillon

  • POSITIVE TRAITS - kind, thoughtful, determined

  • NEGATIVE TRAITS- disillusioned, naive, hard-headed


Luna spent her whole life learning and following the teachings of Cloister, and believing in Fuchal, the Promised Land. As she got older and discovered that not all the cat people believed in Cloister, she decided to become a cleric, spreading the word of their people's history. It was not an easy life, as their fleet fell under the tyrannical rule of the Feral King Rodon, and she and many of Cloister's followers were forced underground into hiding to prevent being prosecuted for crimes against the throne.To avoid capture, Luna fled along with her friends Peanut and Sol, in search of the ship of their birth, Red Dwarf. They encountered "Cloister" (really Dave Lister) and his "disciples" (Rimmer, Kryten, Mutt, and Cat), and sought protection under the man they believed to be their god. Eventually, their beliefs were shattered when Lister was forced to admit that he was not a god, just a man. However, they still defeated Rodon, mostly thanks to Rimmer, who they adopted as their new god. Finally free of Rodon's oppressive rule and finding peace, they reached the Promised Land at last.Now the fleet roams space freely, and Luna and the others often visit Red Dwarf and the friends they made there.


BROTHER SOL — @choicescreen
Another cat cleric who Luna fled with in search of Red Dwarf. The pair are very close friends.
MUTT — @guttersniper
Luna became very attached to Mutt during their time with the Boys from the Dwarf. She's fascinated by him and his experience growing up with Lister and Rimmer, and when they visit the ship, she's always very excited to see him.


Howdy! Eros here. If you found this blog, you likely follow me on tongowheel, so I'm not going to go over my rules in great detail — you can read them there. Instead, here's a little about this blog...This is a sideblog to tongowheel, and features OCs from the DS9 prequel fic "The Kind of Thing That Could Be", written by myself and constablegoo. The muse list may eventually include a few canons who make appearances in the fic too. As such, there may be spoilers for the fic, but big ones will be tagged as kind of thing spoilers /I don't expect this blog to have very high traffic, and will likely be friends-only. I will not be using icons, though replies will be formatted. Most threads will be plotted. Primarily, this is a way for me to develop some of the OCs I'm writing and do some worldbuilding.Please proceed here for the muse list & descriptions!


~ OCs ~

  • Sovia Dejal // Cardassian + she/her — Sovia's husband and children were killed in an attack by the Bajoran resistance. Wanting to make a new life for herself, she moved to Terok Nor and got a job at Quark's as a dabo girl

  • Siilee // Orion + she/her — Siilee is a career dabo girl. She was working on a Ferengi casino ship, and transferred to Terok Nor to work at Quark's when the ship was closed down for maintenance. She has a soft spot for Thrax, Terok Nor's security chief.

  • Ravh // Ferengi + he/him — Ravh is the assistant manager at Quark's. He has a small fortune, inheritance from his grandfather. As such, he's remarkably unambitious, without much care for substantial profit. He's a good businessman, but why worry about latinum when you already have more than enough? He's an old friend of Quark's; their families were friends and he often was a babysitter for the brothers since he was 9 years their elder. Quark hired him to have someone working with him who he trusted implicitly, and Ravh considers it his unspoken duty to look out for Quark while he's there.

  • Haibar // Ferengi + he/him — Haibar works at Quark's as the game master, generally running the floor and overseeing the gambling and the dabo girls. He has a wife on Ferenginar. He's a little carefree, has a very strange sense of humor, and is very good at what he does.

  • Frisax // Ferengi + he/him — Frisax works at Quark's as the floater. He can cover any role and any job (except for Ravh's). Jack of all trades and master of none, he's mediocre at best in everything he does, and as such is often nervous and skittish. He's desperate to impress Quark and would like to follow in his footsteps one day.

  • Jahan Sapim // Bajoran + she/her — Sapim lives on Terok Nor with her husband Rokat and their three children Muleeb, Doka, and Kova.

  • Jahan Rokat // Bajoran + he/him — Rokat lives on Terok Nor with his wife Sapim and their three children Muleeb, Doka, and Kova.


  • Thrax Sa'Kat // Cardassian + he/him — The security chief on Terok Nor. Thrax takes his job seriously and can be stern, but is overall less serious than many other Cardassian officers. He goes exclusively by his first name — no last name, no title. He's beloved by (almost) everyone, frequents the game tables at Quark's, but always seems troubled by something...

  • Natima Lang // Cardassian + she/her — Natima works as a correspondent for the Cardassian communication service. She lives on Terok Nor for a brief time, where she and Quark become romantically involved. She goes on to become a professor of political ethics and a member of the underground dissident movement.

  • Brunt // Ferengi + he/him — Brunt is Quark's ex, back from Quark's days working for the District Sub-Nagus. Brunt was always jealous of Quark because of his job, and that jealousy only grew when Quark became involved with the Sub-Nagus' sister. They split up when Quark was forced to flee Ferenginar, and has never gotten over it, becoming an FCA liquidator through bribery and pure spite.

  • Skrain Dukat // Cardassian + he/him — He's just here as a joke, I'm not writing him. Haha... unless?